Fishery museum
Chances are you don’t just pick up some fish at Theo’s fishery and drive away. His Rekelhof fishery is actually a small museum. He collects all kinds of finds from and around the Westeinderplassen, such as pieces of aircraft from the Second World War. If he’s not out (eel) fishing, he’s always happy to chat and tell you more about it. He also has much to recount about his aquarium including live fish from the Westeinderplassen, such as eel, catfish, pike-perch and crab. Swimming among these fish you will always find a catfish, a remarkable fish that was originally only found in the Aalsmeer Westeinderplassen.
Dutch fishing on the Westereinderplassen
Around 08.00 hrs. each morning Theo steps on board of his boat to go fishing. The process remains unchanged: he fishes with fyke nets and lines, then smokes or fillets his catch and sells it in the shop adjacent to his house. If you are lucky enough, Theo might be smoking eel when you stop by.

Try tackling this age-old technique yourself? Spend half a day fishing with Theo! At 8 am you will board his boat with him and – depending on the season – you will either go eel fishing using fyke nets or alternatively have a go at seine or net fishing. In addition to the fishing, you get the chance to enjoy a short tour of the Westeinderplassen, a guided tour of the fishery and to observe how Theo smokes his eel. He is passionate about all aspects of his profession and takes enormous pleasure in providing you with all the relevant facts. This fishing experience ends with a delicious eel sandwich.